Share Rates

Savings Rates
  Balances Dividend Rate A.P.Y.
Share Savings $20.00 - $499.99 0.10% 0.10%
  $500.00 - $4,999.99 0.15% 0.15%
  $5,000.00 - $9,999.99 0.25% 0.25%
  $10,000.00 + 0.25% 0.25%
Christmas Club/Vacation Club $5.00 and over 0.10% 0.10%
Tax/Escrow Savings $5.00 and over 0.10% 0.10%
Youth Club (kids 16 & Under) $5.00 and over 0.10% 0.10%
I.R.A. Savings $500.00 and over 0.05% 0.05%
Regular Checking n/a n/a n/a
NOW Checking $500.00 and over 0.15% 0.15%
Ultra Checking $2,500.00 and over 0.15% 0.15%

Dividends are not paid on accounts under the minimum balance indicated above.

Savings dividend rates are declared by the Credit Union Board of Directors each month after considering earnings and required reserves. Savings dividends are never guaranteed and are subject to change at any time at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

NOW Checking and Ultra Checking Account Interest is credited monthly to the account. NOW Checking and Ultra Checking rates are subject to change daily, and a $7.50 service charge if the account balance falls below $500.00 (NOW Account) $2,500.00 (Ultra Checking Account) at any time during the month. NOW and Ultra Checking Accounts do not earn interest during the time that they are below the minimum.

All accounts are subject to fee charges, please refer to the account agreement and fee schedules at credit union. Fees may affect earnings.

Term Share Accounts (Similar to CDs at Banks)
Rates as of 6-29-2023

Requires a $2,000.00 minimum deposit

Term Share Accounts (Similar to CDs at Banks)
Term Dividend Rate A.P.Y.
6 Months 0.25% 0.25%
12 Months 0.50% 0.50%
12 Months (Special) 3.75% ($5,000 min.) 3.79%
12 Months (Special) 4.25% ($20,000 min.) 4.30%
18 Months 0.75% 0.75%
24 Months 1.00% 1.00%

A.P.Y. = Annual Percentage Yield

Term Share Rates are locked in for the stated term. Term Share interest is credited monthly. New Term Share Accounts or Renewing Term Share Account rates are subject to change at any time based on market conditions.

Accounts are insured up to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund.